Re: HEAD cvs, "Next unread" button in the main window toolbas hasgone

On 25.04.2004 19:09:27, Peter Bloomfield wrote:

> On 04/24/2004 03:53:41 PM, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This global parameter (simple threaded, flat or JWZ) has no effect.  
>> The only one that is used is the one you get from the "Display"  
>> menu.
> It's used the first time you open a new mailbox--after that, the  
> previous setting is used.  At some point, we may implement the idea  
> of using default settings, and then it would be used until you  
> explicitly override it.
>> Why does this button has gone. It is now only in the message window.  
>> When you use a preview window, it is a *very* useful button.
> I believe it's still part of the standard buttons--try Settings:  
> Toolbars...Main window: Restore toolbar to standard buttons.

It seems that it was lost somewhere, it was not in the available nor in  
the installed buttons. Resetting the toolbar gave it me back. Thanks.

		- Jean-Luc
> Peter


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