Aw: Several balsa bugs I'm about to submit to bugzilla.

> It is also not possible to forward a message including all the
> headers, something that is very useful when complaining
> about spam.

Not true. "Forward inline" forwards the message (i.e. it's text parts) inline in a new message, whereas "forward attached" forwards the complete message "as is" an a new message/rfc822 container, which keeps all headers and keeps all crypto stuff intact. The default action for the forward button can be adjusted in the prefs, which might be the cause for this remark.

> There should be a way to save a single message in raw format
> to a file, preferably in mbox format (meaning it should have
> an initial From_ line, that's all)

Good point, I'll support that.

> When right clicking in the message-text window, you get an
> edit menu, with "select input method", "paste" etc. That
> doesn't make much sense.

Afaik this one comes from Gtk?

Cheers, Albrecht.

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