Re: pop3/pthreads probs gone

On 2001.10.08 12:15:07 +0200 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> ok i checked out today's cvs and it really seems that
> the problems are gone now. never thought this since i
> really thought of an pthreads initialisation issue or
> something. i have made several tests now, resets of my
> system etc. i hope this wasn't just a *lucky shoot*.
> hey anhow i want to thank everyone who helped nailing
> this problem down. this was really an annoying problem.

jesus... no!

still same proble, i think i stop mentioning this stuff
anymore since it only pisses me off and i dont like to
behave like an idiot with 'yes it works' then 2 hrs
later 'same problem' ....

oki it worked after i did 3-4 resets (every reset of my
machine caused balsa to work) then again it didnt work
anymore. i then thought that some other program interrups
balsa in its operations and i started balsa as a new user
without any stuff in the background... only the mailer..
its definately still present and still bugs..

anyways i keep my word... still thanks to anyone who investigated
into this.. it now seems to stay an unresolvable issue..

btw: i still get these mailbox locked messages after the thread
hanged up the connection to my pop3 server.

thats it.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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