.signature bug and others

Hi there,

I'm resending this because it didnt went through the first time, I followed
the list archives closely and didnt see it. Also, I am now subscribed to
the list, so I guess there shouldnt be any issues this time.

There is a bug with the way Balsa handles the signature file, I know it to
exist at least since 1.1.4 (I can't recall if it existed in earlier
verions, but it probably did as well). Its very subtle but at the same time
somewhat annoying. If you have whitespace in the first line of your
signature, before any alphanumeric characters, Balsa will just trim it, eg,
if your signature looks like this:

nuno:~$ cat .signature
        my foo bar ~/.signature with whitespace in the beggining
        bla bla bla
        testing 1 2 3

in the New Message compose window it'll appear like this:

my foo bar ~/.signature with whitespace in the beggining
        bla bla bla
        testing 1 2 3

It's just the first lines, all subsequent others are just fine. It happens
if you have either simple whitespace or tab characters. Can anyone confirm
this behaviour? 

Also, there's other 'feature' ('misfeature' rather) in Balsa that is quite
irritating sometimes. Suppose I have a long thread of messages (over 300 in
this case, but the same misbehaviour happens on a thread with only 4 or 5
messages), nested several levels deep. When I double click any message, in
the messages list, to open it in a window, all the other messages nested
below it just collapse, and that one is marked with a [+]. Is this expected
behaviour or a bug? It should not collapse anythig below the current
message, as IMHO its _very_ frustrating having to expand them all again,
and sometimes can be a real pain finding a stray message - you see you have
1 unread message, but you cant find it anywhere, as the [+] is difficult to
spot in the thread tree. This occurs both in simple threading and in JWZ
threading mode. Also, I dont know if it helps, I'm using maildirs.

Another thing, when you dont use the preview pane, selecting a message (not
opening, just selecting it) shouldn't automatically mark it as read, rather
leave its state unmodified.

Thank you for such a wonderful piece of software! Keep up the excellent
work :)


 -- nuno

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