Re: Balsa crashes vs. unread messages

On 2001.07.31 16:27 Pawel Salek wrote:

> This is pretty high on my TODO list. There is just a minor remapping


> This is design/implementation error in gnome-config library, this is why

So I should send it to the people who are maintaining the gnome-config 
lib ? Can somebody give me information on contacting them? Is there a
mailinglist perhaps? 

> is it shared by all gnome programs. I wonder how the (in)famous GConf
> behaves in this respect...

Doesn't matter. freax sais "don't use GConf". It's evil and it looks
to much like the Ms Windows registry. Well my opinion on GConf is not 
really objective so don't listen to it (and don't flame for it, heh:)

Philip van Hoof aka freax (
irc: mailto:freax @

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