Re: Fwd: Re: wrap problem [albrecht dress arcormail de]

On 2001-07-30 11:26 M . Thielker wrote:
> On 2001.07.30 09:37 Pawel Salek wrote:
> > 
> > The empty line end-of-paragraph mark is also traditional way of
> > marking
> > paragraphs with LaTeX and in emacs, this is why I think it is common
> > enough.
> > 
> The traditional US way, you mean...... remember, there's more to the
> world than the US and UK. Empty line paragraph endings aren't
> common everywhere just because they're common where you come from!

Well, I just happen to be born in Poland and live in Sweden; Norway is
quite similar in this respect. I know that these few countries are not
entire world but I think together with emacs and LaTex conventions, it
is founded to call the "empty-line" convention "the traditional way". 

And there is always a place for more than one tradition, I think.

Pawel Salek (
Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202

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