Re: Sending messages is slow

On 2001-07-05 15:38 Olaf Frączyk wrote:
> I use balsa 1.1.4.
> When I send message with an attachment (~7 MB) (SMTP), the balse
> freezes
> for about 40 seconds,eats all CPU), afterwards I get dialog box with
> "Sending mail" progress bar. Of course, when sending bigger files it
> takes longer :((

Yes, it is creating temporary files containing encoded form of the

> 1. It shouldn't freeze - a dialog with progress bar should be shown,
> what balsa do at this time (encoding?), anyway long time.
> 2. Sending is quite slow (I have Celeron 466, 384 MB), and I send
> using SMTP on the same machine.
> Two balsa processes 24% and 15% CPU, one sendmail process (30%CPU),
> X - 11 %CPU, other - rest of the CPU.

This is definetely different with balsa 1.1.5 and higher. There is at
most one balsa process since the second thread was updating the progress
bar (too) frequently (and it is disabled now). Similarly, the X load
should be next to zero for the same reason. The sendmail load cannot be
changed by us.

Pawel Salek (
Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202

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