Identities and libesmtp

I just wanted to know what happened to the patch of Aaron Brown (the
drop-down list for the identities)?
There is nothing similar in the curent cvs (from yesterday).
Then I wanted to ask wether you could implent i feature that the signature
is changed when you select another idetity from edit->select identity.

And at least I think I've found a bug in libesmtp (I know it's the wrong
list, but...):

Everytime I send a message witch an attachment (I havent tested wether it
depends on the size...) it sends the msg (at least he says that ;-) but
finnaly (when the msg should be sent (if you look with netstat there is a
connection to my smtp server and there is data going out...) he complains
about an error...

Thanks for you (upcoming) help

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