Re: Balsa pop config problems

On 2001-01-09 09:56:01 +0100 Erik Grinaker wrote:
> Yeah, I had a feeling it would... Could the developers take a look? And

I admit I am a bit confused so please correct me on this if I am wrong:
when "Check mail automatically every x minutes" option is checked, the
mail is not automatically downloaded from the POP server? With

> one more thing : When I choose to leave messages on the server for a
> while, and then choose to start deleting them from the server, it
> downloads ALL messages from the server on the next mail-check, even the
> ones I already have in my Inbox, giving me duplicates of almost every
> mail I've got. 

1. when message filtering is on, this problem is passed on to procmail.
2. when message filtering is off, it should be in principle doable (test
Message-ID header?)

> I'd like to sort on date, descending, but when I quit Balsa and restart
> it, it still sorts on messageID...

Carlos Modgado has been looking at simiar problem (configuring & saving
threading style) but the BalsaMailboxNode class that is supposed to store
this kind of information is not 100% finished yet (although I have got
already IMAP folders running, they need more testing, cleaning up, UI for
configuration and a bit of work on IMAP backend :-).
Pawel Salek (
Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202

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