Re: Fixed: printing of mails with national characters

> > I have seen that, too. My first guess is that gnomeprint >=0.20 does not
> > accept iso-8859-1 on input any longer and requires utf-8 instead. It
> > seems like some iconv_open()/iconv() in right place would fix the
> > problem.
> This was a *really* good hint. I attach a patch (against 1.1.3) which should
> fix the problem. I also included a thin line below the header as a
> separation
> (which IMHO looks better). Just remove it if you do not like that...

I just realised that my first patch crashes Balsa if the mail has either no
charset set at all or is of type multipart. In the latter case,
libbalsa_message_charset() returns NULL even if there is only one text part
(which is the only stuff printed at all) with the charset set properly. Do you
have any idea how we should handle this case? As a quick fix, I attach a new
patch which in this case assumes iso-8859-1.

Yours, Albrecht.

    Albrecht Dreß  -  Monschauer Straße 22  -  D-53121 Bonn (Germany)
      Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  E-Mail


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