Re: GNOME Roadmap - Information request for gdm2

GNOME 2.20 has been released and we've all started to focus on the next
development cycle. As part of our roadmap process, we're now gathering
information about our 2.22 plans and beyond. The goal is to compose a GNOME-wide roadmap for the next stable releases. And we need your help to do this. It's important that you take a few minutes to reply to the following questions before October 17.


- What are your plans for GNOME 2.22 (next 4 months, before feature and UI

Plans are on the Wiki:  There is currently a GDM rewrite in the works.
The new rewrite works with D-Bus.

- What are your plans for GNOME 2.24 (next year)?

It is likely that the rewrite will require on-going work to re-enable
all the features that people want.

- Do you have plans for a future release?

Plans are to release with the regular GNOME schedule.

- Do you have any goals from 2.20 that were not achieved? Why?

It would have been nice if more of the cleanup work had made an
impact on 2.20, but I think we did as much as we could.

- Is there something that is really missing in our infrastructure or platform
  that would help you?


- Do you have plans to work on other modules not maintained by you?  What are

Yes.  I work on multimedia applications, and on general issues with
GNOME working on Solaris.

- Do you have any GNOME-wide goals suggestions for the next releases?



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