Re: Fixing SMB browsing

On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 17:19 +0000, Nate Nielsen wrote:
> Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > I just glanced over your mail, and I saw this. I'm not sure this is a
> > reasonable goal at all. A very common situation is that you have a share
> > that allows anonymous read-only access, but if you actually log in
> > correctly you can write too. With the strategy you describe above you
> > would never get prompted for a username in this case, and thus you would
> > never be able to log in to get write access to the share.
> > 
> > Also, things get complicated with browsing. For instance, I think its
> > possible for a non-anonymous share enumeration to return more results
> > than an anonymous one. This is common with e.g. homedirs on smb, but
> > could also happen if you want to hide shares from guest users. In this
> > case if we always fall back to anonymous enumeration if possible we
> > would never show such shares.
> We support this by putting the user name in the URI, that is: via the
> 'Connect to Server' box.

That really isn't good enough. You can only use that by typing in the
URI, never by browsing the network neighbourhood. Which is a very
important and commonly used way of using smb shares.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's an underprivileged umbrella-wielding photographer with a robot buddy 
named Sparky. She's a foxy cat-loving barmaid operating on the wrong side of 
the law. They fight crime! 

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