building RPMs

Hi all!

well, I've been thinking about this for some days: I don't have at the
moment any RH machine (I've switched recently my 3 machines to Debian,
and I'm not going to change them for a long time, because Debian is
great), so as I said some time ago, I'm building the RPMs in a Debian
machine. It seems that in the last releases, people have been finding
problems with them, so I'm calling for a volunteer to take over the job
of generating the RPMs and SRPMs.

To do it, you'll just need:
* a RH machine, either 6.2 or 7.0, although it would be wonderful to
have packages for both
* postgresql-devel, mysql-devel, unixodbc (
* bonobo >= 0.30
* oaf >= 0.6
* GConf >= 0.9
* gtkhtml
* docbook (db2html)
* gnome-libs, gtk, libxml-1.8, etc

it's not too much if you're running a GNOME desktop. So, I was thinking
about Carlos (:-)), who volunteered himself for doing the packages for
RH 7. I don't know, Carlos, if you can generate packages for both
versions in a RH 7 machine, or maybe you've got a 6.2 machine? or maybe
somebody else wants to help on this?


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