Bold and Oblique variants (Re: [gnome-cyr] Bitstream Vera with cyrillic)

Danilo Segan <danilo gnome org> написа:
> Fix is in the CVS, and TTF is at the same place as before (I replaced
> it with new file):

I've added Bold and Oblique variants, and these are probably even more
problematic than the Roman variant.

You can find Bepa-Bold.ttf and Bepa-Oblique.ttf on, or, if you want to edit it, I suggest to
check it out from CVS, as before:
  cvs -z4 -d:pserver:anonymous cvs kvota net:/cvs/i18n co fonts/bepa

I've done Oblique by slanting letters by 11 degrees, and cleaning up
afterwards (honest, I did :).  Since I have taken care of choosing
good curve points when drawing upright glyphs, this didn't consume
much time. I didn't bother with spacing much, so it is bound to be
flakey. Though, I think it's usable, as it is demonstrated by a
screenshot of gedit using it at:

Bold took a bit longer, and it's mostly correct (small ZHE/ж is not
enough "black", but I'll fix that later on).

Any comments are welcome, and patches against SFDs even more (get
Pfaedit from


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