Meeting tomorrow

Hi guys,

We've done a pretty good job of tackling the last set of features.  I'd
like to meet tomorrow to discuss what we want to do next.  Since we want
to make sure that we've gotten the memleaks out, lets meet at

at 11:00am EST.

The main feature we need to work on next is Wiki integration.  Here,
Wiki integration means integrating a yarrr discussion into a wiki page.
Unfortunately, it looks like we're not going to get the new server for
another month or so, so we're going to have to improvise.

Additionally, there are a few small things that need fixing in the
current layout.  I really like the line-proponent work you did, Marco.
We can probably get rid of statements now (though lets hold off on
that).  We should make the proponentizing on closed comments look the
same, and move the names over to the left (like the mockup has.)  These
are all small details, though.


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