Re: Yarrr UI

So ellaborating a little on "chat" vs. "email"... Email has a tendency
to have long posturing messages with people talking past eachother.
The larger the initial gulf in opinions, the more likely this seems to
happen. Its very easy to just ignore what the other person is saying
and strenously restate your opinion (or nitpick, which is a way of
attacking the other argument w/o having to compare it hollistically to
your current view). Chat is much better at quickly revealing when
people are futilely talking past eachother (both in terms of it
getting frustrating faster, which can be good, and in terms of it
getting frustrating faster, which can also be bad ;-)

Part of what I'm hoping to see (but who knows) in discussions centered
around some "disagreement" (whether that is a formal disagreement, or
some misunderstanding, or some need to communicate information to
somebody who doesn't have it) is some separation between the dual
roles email is currently serving: (1) informing people what's going on
AND (2) serving as the engine of agreement. The result has
traditionally been that agreement is hard to reach and people watching
aren't informed because the discussion becomes too verbose for


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