Re: Whiteboard cacheing

On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 10:20 +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> The whiteboard cache changes didn't build for me, so i commited a fix
> that I think will work. Its untested though, because i can't seem to

Sorry, my fault.  Your changes to were exactly the
ones that I had uncommitted in my working copy.

> deploy without getting an OOM error atm.
> Also, thinking about the caching during the night, wouldn't it make more
> sense to actually cache the png images on disk? That way we'd use less
> memory, let the kernel handle when and what to cache, and its still
> faster to read the thumbnail file from disk than regenerating the full
> image and then scaling it down. Especially since every client will be
> reading every thumbnail.

Interesting idea.  

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