[xslt] wrong res->last in resulting document?

  applying the attached stylesheet to the attached document leads
the correct output. However, both from xsltproc and my own application,
from the gdb output below, I can see res->children == res->last, 
but res->children->next != NULL and res->children->next != res->last.

  This implies that if I later call:

    xmlAddChild((xmlNodePtr)res, newnode)

  newnode gets attached right after res->children, replacing
the real res->children->next, which is then lost in memory
and not outputted anymore if I then dump the document.

  I believe the correct res should have res->last=res->children->next 
instead of res->last=res->children.

  This error verifies only if the following conditions are met:
  if method is not xml, either doctype-public or system are not
set, the result is correct. I couldn't trace the problem
any further. 

libxml: 2.6.11
libxslt: 1.1.8 

I don't have any newer version of libxslt at hand. Sorry if
this bug has already been corrected.


(gdb) n
4195        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->state == XSLT_STATE_ERROR)) {
(gdb) n
4199        if ((res != NULL) && (ctxt != NULL) && (output != NULL)) {
(gdb) n
4214        if ((ctxt != NULL) && (userCtxt == NULL))
4217        return (res);
4225    }
xsltApplyStylesheetUser (style=0x8057438, doc=0x8058b30, params=0x804d360, output=0x0, profile=0x0, userCtxt=0x80584f8)
    at transform.c:4290
4290        return (res);
4291    }
xsltProcess (doc=0x8058b30, cur=0x8057438, filename=0xbffff90f "./index.xml") at xsltproc.c:425
(gdb) p res
$19 = 0x8053af0
(gdb) p *res
$20 = {_private = 0x0, type = XML_DOCUMENT_NODE, name = 0x0, children = 0x8053df8, last = 0x8053df8, parent = 0x0, next = 0x0,
  prev = 0x0, doc = 0x8053af0, compression = -1, standalone = -1, intSubset = 0x8053df8, extSubset = 0x0, oldNs = 0x0,
  version = 0x8053b50 "1.0", encoding = 0x0, ids = 0x0, refs = 0x0, URL = 0x0, charset = 1, dict = 0x80532c8, psvi = 0x0}
*(gdb) p *res->children
$21 = {_private = 0x0, type = XML_DTD_NODE, name = 0x8053e40 "html", children = 0x0, last = 0x0, parent = 0x8053af0,
  next = 0x8053d58, prev = 0x0, doc = 0x8053af0, ns = 0x0, content = 0x0, properties = 0x0, nsDef = 0x0, psvi = 0x8053e50,
  line = 15992, extra = 2053}
*(gdb) p *res->children->next
$22 = {_private = 0x0, type = XML_ELEMENT_NODE, name = 0x8053d98 "html", children = 0x8053da8, last = 0x8053da8,
  parent = 0x8053af0, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, doc = 0x8053af0, ns = 0x0, content = 0x0, properties = 0x0, nsDef = 0x0,
  psvi = 0x0, line = 7, extra = 0}
*(gdb) p *res->children->next->next
Cannot access memory at address 0x0

  GPG Fingerprint: 2383 7B14 4D08 53A4 2C1A CA29 9E98 5431 1A68 6975
They are called computers simply because computation is the only significant
job that has so far been given to them.

Attachment: index.xml
Description: application/xml

Attachment: site.xsl
Description: application/xml

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