Re: [xslt] patch set implementing func:script

On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 06:29:22AM -0700, Fikin wrote:
> Hello,
> This email is going to be long, so please bare with
> me.
> Here is a patch set for implementing EXSLT func:script
> tag
> with support for JavaScript.

  Just to say I didn't yet got time to review your patches,
this is a big scary part and anybody interested should try to
look at it. I will try over this week-end or next week. In case
of silence do not interpret that as lack of interest but just
being busy, if needed repost about it.
  At a very high level, I don't want to add dependancies 
to the libxslt package, which mean I think the only allowable
option is to dynamically load the JavaScript shared library.
This won't work for Python as it has no .so runtime as far as I
can tell. And this work should really be contained to libexslt
not touch libxslt, this is clearly an extension to the core 
standard, and as such non-portable, this should be separated and
libexslt seems the right place for it.
  But the devil is in the details for such work, and I didn't
had time yet to go over the details.

  thanks !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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