Re: [xslt] libxslt-1.8.1 build requirements for win32 due to crypto

On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 06:16:49AM -0400, Rob Richards wrote:
> I was trying to build the lib using VC++6 and find libxslt does not build due to the wincrypt code.
> Using VC++7, it seems to build fine, so I was wondering wether the build requirements have changed?
> It looks like the wincrypt is different in the SDKs for the 2 compilers. Using VC++6, I tried defining _WIN32_WINNT before including the wincrypt.h header, which resolved most of the undefined symbols, but it still fails on CRYPT_SILENT which doesn't exist in the VC6++ wincrypt.h header.
> Is a newer platform SDK and wincrypt needed now in order to build under VC++6 or would it be possible to fix the build to support the older compiler? If it's not possible to fix it for the older compiler, would it at least be possible to add a configure option to disable crypto to continue support building on VC++6?

  I think having a configure option to disable the crypto makes some sense.
But I can't comment on VC++6 vs. VC++7,


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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