[xslt] xsl:sort/@lang

Hi list,

I was trying to play with xsl:sort with some japanese content and found 
out the lang attribute into the spec.
Well, first, the wording in the spec is... very light. No clue about how 
the sort algorithm may change. So I made some tryes, found that nothing 
seemed to change, then took a look at the code and so the /* TODO: 
xsl:sort lang attribute */ thing.
Okay, that's to be done, but the main question remains : WTF is this 
paragraph[1] supposed to mean for the sort algorithm ?

Any clues ?


[1]: lang specifies the language of the sort keys; it has the same range 
of values as xml:lang [XML]; if no lang value is specified, the language 
should be determined from the system environment

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