Re: [xslt] Order of | in apply-templates significant?

On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 10:28:59AM -0400, Francois Belanger wrote:
> I've been using libxslt for a while and banging on this issue 
> frequently.
> Using libxml 20422, libxslt 10018 and libexslt 709
> xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20422, libxslt 10018 and libexslt 
> 709
> libxslt 10018 was compiled against libxml 20422
> libexslt 709 was compiled against libxml 20422
> I'm getting "node already has children" when trying to append 
> attributes to elements.
> Running the failing version (select="node()|@*"/> ) in verbose mode 
> seems to confirm that libxslt grabs the nodes in order of the select 
> and not in the order of the input tree where the attribute nodes should 
> come before the text and children nodes:
> I've looked around on Google, bug list, list archives, etc. and could 
> not find any report of this, though I'd join and check with the list 
> before posting to bugzilla.

  The very first thing to do is to try with the latest version 
libxml2-2.5.7/libxst-1.0.30, then and only then if there is still
a problem, please log it into bugzilla,



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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