Re: [xslt] XSL FO

On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 05:10:15AM +0100, Philipp Dunkel wrote:
> Many thanks!
> On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 03:15, Tony Graham wrote:
> > Philipp Dunkel wrote at 18 Feb 2003 17:01:00 +0100:
> >  > Anyone here knows of a decent XSL-FO processor that is open-source?
> >  > Why decent, because as good as Apache FOP is, if I don't think it being
> >  > Java based, is any good for its performance.
> >  > So does anyone know of a C/C++ based open-source FOP Processor.
> > 
> > Open-source, yes; as good as FOP, no:
> > 
> > Sun xmlroff XSL Formatter:

  I'm quite excited about this, for example that mean we could generate
PDF for our DocBook docs in the GNOME project without requiring a Java
setup on the build box. A lot of things becomes possible.
  It currently depends on some packages which are not really standard
like the PangoPDF stuff, but in the long term this should bring XSL-FO
to the masses of free software developpers, that's really good news :-)


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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