[xslt] bug libxslt? test case

Hi Daniel,

this is a very simple test case: I send xml file, xsl file and the result of xsltproc with -v option.

I'm using:

libxml2 2.4.30
libxslt 1.0.23

The email clent I'm using permits me to send only one file so I send output.html and write xml and xsl. Sorry

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>

<xsl:output indent="yes" encoding="ISO-8859-1" method="html" />

<xsl:template match="/">
			<title>bug test</title>
		<xsl:apply-templates select="root" />

<xsl:template match="root">
	example bug test: <br />
	<xsl:apply-templates select="result" />

<xsl:template match="result">
	<a href="http://prova.it?query={query}&amp;pag={pag}";>prova link</a>






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Added namespace: xsl mapped to http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform
xsltPrecomputeStylesheet: removing ignorable blank node
xsltParseStylesheetProcess : found stylesheet
xsltCompilePattern : parsing '/'
xsltCompilePattern : parsed /, default priority 0.500000
added pattern : '/' priority 0.500000
xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'root'
xsltCompilePattern : parsed root, default priority 0.000000
added pattern : 'root' priority 0.000000
xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'result'
xsltCompilePattern : parsed result, default priority 0.000000
added pattern : 'result' priority 0.000000
parsed 3 templates
Resolving attribute sets references
Initializing keys on file.xml
Registered 0 modules
Registering global variables
Registering global variables from prova.xsl
xsltProcessOneNode: applying template '/' for /
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node html
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node head
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node title
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text bug test
xsltCopyText: copy text bug test
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node body
xsltApplyTemplates: select root
xsltApplyTemplates: list of 1 nodes
xsltProcessOneNode: applying template 'root' for root
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text 
	example bug test: 
xsltCopyText: copy text 
	example bug test: 
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node br
xsltApplyTemplates: node: root
xsltApplyTemplates: select result
xsltApplyTemplates: list of 1 nodes
xsltProcessOneNode: applying template 'result' for result
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node a
xsltEvalXPathString: returns volontà
xsltEvalXPathString: returns 1
xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text prova link
xsltCopyText: copy text prova link
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>bug test</title>
	example bug test: <br><a href="http://prova.it?query=volont%C3%A0&amp;pag=1";>prova link</a>

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