Re: [xslt] Windows build


  I truly envy your knowledge and experience with Windoze (someday
you must tell me how you have immunized yourself against all those
viruses....), but on a number of occassions you have made mention
of compilation times, always stressing how Windoze is fast and
Linux is slow, e.g.

> Number 2 has increased the build time, that is clear. However, as
> expected, it is still needs less time to build on Windows than it
> needs on Linux. I therefore consider the build time more than
> acceptable.

  Could you give me some idea of what are the times you are
experiencing, and why you would "expect" them to be faster than on
Linux?  I have never attempted subjecting libxml2 to the Windoze
compiling experience, but for Linux I get:

billrouter libxml2-2.4.24 # make distclean > /dev/null 2>&1
billrouter libxml2-2.4.24 # date;./configure>/dev/null
2>&1;date;make>/dev/null 2>&1;date
Mon Sep 30 23:40:37 HKT 2002
Mon Sep 30 23:40:46 HKT 2002
Mon Sep 30 23:42:18 HKT 2002
billrouter libxml2-2.4.24 #

i.e. 9 seconds to configure, 1 minute 32 seconds to compile & test
both static and dynamic libraries (latest utilities, gcc 3.1.1).


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