[xslt] Bug when declaring entities?

I think I have found a bug in xsltproc. 

If I put the follwing in my stylesheet:

<!DOCTYPE stylesheet [
<!ENTITY nbsp "<xsl

I get the following error:

compilation error: file /home/paul/Documents/data/xsl_style_sheets/finalConvertTei.xsl line 2 element text
Namespaces prefix  used for multiple namespaces

The code in my stylesheet is taken directly from a book on xslt. If I
run the same code with xalan, I don't get an error. 

If I type 

xsltproc --version

Then I get this output:

Using libxml 20403, libxslt 10003 and libexslt 301
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20403, libxslt 10003 and libexslt 301
libxslt 10003 was compiled against libxml 20403
libexslt 301 was compiled against libxml 20403




*Paul Tremblay         *

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