[xslt] exslt extension func:script


I would like to use this extension of exslt with libxslt, how can I do

I am currently using a apache module mod_xslt with libxslt and libxml2
in a FreeBSD 4.5. Daniel Veillard, at the w3 xsl mailing list, already
suggested a way of doing this, building the module declaring some
headers of exslt and registering it (see below). But the exslt functions
doesn't seem to work as expected -- I must have done something wrong.

Also, I would like to link a script written in php (and other languages
different from java and js), again, how can I do it?

And for everybody envolved in the development, I congratulate you,
that's a very nice xslt processor.


Guilherme Capilé
the suggestion mentioned:

> Well along with libxslt you have libexslt which is bundled with
>sources and distributions.
>You can register EXSLT within your module with:
>#include <libexslt/exslt.h>
>#include <libexslt/exsltconfig.h>
>  /* somewhere in the module init code */
>   exsltRegisterAll();
>And don't forget to add the dependancy inb the libexslt shared lib.

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