Re: [xslt] XML::LibXSLT and document()

On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 05:47:01PM +1100, Michael S. wrote:
> Is there any way to access in-memory trees (that is, XML::LibXML
> objects) from stylesheets processed by XML::LibXSLT?
> document() can get data from *files*, but there doesn't seem to be any
> way to either pass XML::LibXML objects to the transform function (the
> %params stuff works for strings, but not XML, parsed or otherwise) or
> get access to it from the stylesheet.  

Right, the limitation is at the libxslt library level. Seems I remember now
Matt Sergeant asking for something similar. Libxslt is in API freeze
at the moment but adding a hook to allow the framework to pass preparsed
document could probably be added.

> (XML::Sablotron's "arg:/" URI space does what I want, if anyone's
> familiar with that.)

Just to be sure, can you describe this ? It sounds strange to use a special
URI space for such an API, I don't see the need for such a hack, so please



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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