Greetings -
I had been executing the following :
xmlXPathObjectPtr nodeList = xmlXPathEval("//employee [name=\"louis\"]/job", context);
With correct results. Now I found out that some people are using my function like this :
xmlXPathObjectPtr nodeList = xmlXPathEval("//employee [$any$ name=\"louis\"]/job", context);
That extra $any$ is ruining the xmlXPathEval. Here is the message I get out :
Error C:\home\igor\src\gnome-xml\xpath.c:7497: Invalid predicate
//employee [$any$ name="louis"]/job
xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed
Looking in the books that I have, I see that $any$ is an XSL operator. I haven't been able to figure out how to do a single XSL evaluation in XSLT. What function in XSLT do I call that's roughly equivalent to xmlXPathEval, but understands operators like $any$?
Or am I completely misunderstanding my problem? Believe me, it's not for a lack of looking. I've spent several hours trying to figure this out - I'm new to all of this, though.
Thanks for any assistance!
// Matt Cruikshank (763)852-4183
// <>
void s(int&A,int&B){A^=B^=A^=B;}