Re: [xslt] Intermittent problem.

BTW, the stylesheet you posted is pretty "fragile":

  <xsl:if test="count(child::text()) = 1">

is a rather dangerous test iff you use it to test whether a 
node has children. Even if the node doesn't have a child node,
as soon as it contains an entity (internal or external) the
test will fail. The following document:

| <!DOCTYPE doc [
| <!ENTITY test "a sample as well as ">
| ] >
| <doc>This is &test; a test</doc>
get's parsed into this tree:

| ralf@calvin:/tmp$ xmllint --debug a.xml
| version=1.0
| URL=a.xml
| standalone=true
|   DTD(doc)
|     ENTITYDECL(test), internal
|      content=a sample as well as 
|       TEXT
|         content=a sample as well as 
|   ELEMENT doc
|     TEXT
|       content=This is 
|     ENTITY_REF(test)
|       content=a sample as well as 
|     TEXT
|       content= a test

 where the doc node has 2(!) text children.


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