[xslt] xsltproc with xinclude: no fatal error on resource errors without fallback


from the specs of XInclude in short form:

"[...] in the event of a resource error [...] it is a fatal error  if 
there is zero or more than one xi:fallback element."

But running
   $ xsltproc --xinclude test.xml

on a xml file which a resource error without a fallback element 
produces only a warning:

   warning: failed to load external entity "chapter2/somewhere.xdml"
   XInclude: could not load chapter2/somewhere.xdml

and there is no command line switch to change this behaviour. it 
would be very nice to stop processing on an xinclude error.

did i misunderstood the specs or is xsltproc not conformant? I think 


long form of the spec:

"XInclude processors must perform fallback behavior in the event of a 
resource error, as follows:
If the [children] of the xi:include element information item in the 
source infoset contain exactly one xi:fallback element, the top-level 
included items consists of the information items corresponding to the 
result of performing XInclude processing on the [children] of the 
xi:fallback element. It is a fatal error if there is zero or more 
than one xi:fallback element."

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