Re: [xslt] Debugging large stylesheets with xsldbg

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 03:49:46AM +0000, wrote:
> Daniel: Have you got list of the interfaces for 
> the functions being exported out of xsltproc. Or 
> a mockup of what you have in mind.

  Looked at it:
    - the entity resolver forbiding network access upon user option:
      -> moved into libxml2 as the new public interface from xmlIO.h
	 cleaned up, removed --warnnet since it makes it really hairy
	 for no really useful purpose
	 activate with

    - xsltProcess(): I tried to migrate it directly into libxslt,
        - you really don't want such an interface to output to stdout
	- nor sending the debug tree to stdout
	- you really don't want the timing either
	- you really don't want the repeat either
      So basically what's left after cleanup for integration as a generic
      function is xsltRunStylesheet(), it's already exported

    - usage()
      tied to xsltproc

    - main()
      parsing of options and a loop over the remaining argv calling

  So basically except xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader() everything is completely
specific to a command line based interface and clearly non-generic options
nor code.
  What's left is 500 lines, too specific for integration at a library level.
If you really need all this cruft (I really doubt it), then cut'n paste !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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