Re: [xslt] Rogue newline appearing between elements

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 08:50:38PM +0000, Justin Fletcher wrote:
> In message <>
>           Justin Fletcher <> wrote:
> > Hiya,
> >
> > With xsltproc from libxslt 1.0.6, I'm getting a rogue new line appearing
> > in my output and I cannot see where it's coming from. If there is something
> > special in the specification that covers this behaviour, it has elluded
> > me. I have cut down the stylesheet and data set to about as small as I can
> > make it whilst retaining some vague sense and still exhibit the oddity.
> >
> > Command used to process input:
> >   *xsltproc -o data.html data.xsl data.xml
> >
> > --8<-------- data/xsl
> > <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
> >
> > <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
> >                 xmlns:xsl="";
> >                 xmlns="";>
> >
> > <xsl:output method="html" indent="no"/>
> [snip]
> Further to my previous email, if I make the output method xml, the
> 'rogue white-space' goes away; which lead me to investigate a little
> further.
> libxslt calls htmlDocContentDumpOutput in xsltSaveResultTo. This in
> turn calls htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput with the 'format' parameter
> set to 1, which forces formatting return/spaces to be added. Should there
> be a way of calling htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput directly with an
> option for the formating, rather than forcing the use of it ?

  Hum the indent= value in the case of xsl:output with method="html"
was not taken into account. The enclosed patch fixes it



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine
*** libxslt/xsltutils.c	2001/10/24 11:07:15	1.51
--- libxslt/xsltutils.c	2001/11/01 13:51:51
*** 764,769 ****
--- 764,770 ----
      xmlNodePtr root;
      int base;
      const xmlChar *method;
+     int indent;
      if ((buf == NULL) || (result == NULL) || (style == NULL))
*** 784,789 ****
--- 785,791 ----
      XSLT_GET_IMPORT_PTR(method, style, method)
      XSLT_GET_IMPORT_PTR(encoding, style, encoding)
+     XSLT_GET_IMPORT_INT(indent, style, indent);
      if ((method == NULL) && (result->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE))
  	method = (const xmlChar *) "html";
*** 800,806 ****
  	} else {
  	    htmlSetMetaEncoding(result, (const xmlChar *) "UTF-8");
! 	htmlDocContentDumpOutput(buf, result, (const char *) encoding);
      } else if ((method != NULL) &&
  	(xmlStrEqual(method, (const xmlChar *) "xhtml"))) {
--- 802,811 ----
  	} else {
  	    htmlSetMetaEncoding(result, (const xmlChar *) "UTF-8");
! 	if (indent != 0)
! 	    indent = 1;
! 	htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput(buf, result, (const char *) encoding,
! 		                       indent);
      } else if ((method != NULL) &&
  	(xmlStrEqual(method, (const xmlChar *) "xhtml"))) {
*** 854,865 ****
      } else {
  	int omitXmlDecl;
  	int standalone;
- 	int indent;
  	const xmlChar *version;
  	XSLT_GET_IMPORT_INT(omitXmlDecl, style, omitXmlDeclaration);
  	XSLT_GET_IMPORT_INT(standalone, style, standalone);
- 	XSLT_GET_IMPORT_INT(indent, style, indent);
  	XSLT_GET_IMPORT_PTR(version, style, version)
  	if (omitXmlDecl != 1) {
--- 859,868 ----

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