[xslt] Cloning xsltStylesheet structures


I hope you'll forgive the question from someone biaised by years of XSLT 
processing in Java, but a common practice in Java when multithreading is 
involved is to create stylesheet objects once, parse a stylesheet and 
reuse the object by cloning it rather.

These "pseudo compiled" stylesheets are much faster to use since the 
parsing of the stylesheet is (in Java) an heavy operation.

Would this be interesting as well when using libXSLT in multi threading 

If yes, I am wondering how this could be achieved. The xsltStylesheet 
structure is including different kinds of information (some of them are 
related to the stylesheets while other depend on the transformation 
being run) and doesn't seem obvious to clone (at least without entering 
in the details of its private structure).

Is this something which is worth? planed at some point?


See you in Orlando for XML 2001.
Eric van der Vlist       http://xmlfr.org            http://dyomedea.com
http://xsltunit.org      http://4xt.org           http://examplotron.org

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