[xslt] Patch for libxsl-1.0.3 to include xsldebugger(ver 0.2)

Hi all, 

It was suggested that I send this patch out for general review. Please be
aware that the patch should only be applied to a fresh copy of
libxslt-1.0.3, is alpha software and expects that the requirements
for libxsl-1.0.3 have been met. The libxst library must be installed
before running the xsldebugger. I'd appreciate e-mails if you can help
with the problems listed below or have comments about the functions that
have been implemented. 


Keith Isdale

e-mail: z1462441@cit-student.gu.edu.au
post : 30 Pointer court, Shailer Park, Australia : zip code 4128 
ph: +617 3801 4797

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 11:09:50 +1000 (EST)
From: Keith Isdale <z1462441@gucis>
To: Daniel Veillard <daniel@veillard.com>
Subject: Patch for libxsl-1.0.3 to include xsldebugger(ver 0.2)

Hi Daniel,

As I suggested I have been working on a debugger shell for xsl.The work is
at the alpha stage with some important features not added yet. At this
stage I don't plan to work on it futher until the Christmas holiday break.
But I will respond to emails about it.

Bellow is the command lines used to create the diff 
cd ~/  
diff -P -C 2 -r -p libxslt-1.0.3/ lang/c/libxslt-1.0.3/ > libxslt-1.0.3.diff
gzip libxslt-1.0.3.diff

I tried to patch a clean copy of xsl ver 1.0.3 but when patching many
chunks failed. I don't know whether this is because I've used the wrong
arguments to diff, patch or that there were conflicts that patch couldn't
solve automatically. Any suggestions?


Before running set environment variable "XSL_DEBUG_DIR" to point to where
you've installed /docs/xsldebugger
I suggested that to start with try running xsldebugger on the xsldocs eg
	$> xsldebugger --shell --param help "'help'"<docspath>xsldebugger/xsldoc.xsl 

This will result in a shell starting at '/' template and prompt of
	template :"/"
At the shell prompt type "help" to confirm setup and its operation eg
To continue execution of stylesheet type "cont" and you should get the
result of applying stylesheet with param help 'help' on xml data

There have been several command line arguments added to in addition to
what was in xsltproc.c. Use the normal methods to get more help about
those arguments. 
Please let about your experience with the xsldebugger :-)


There are some changes I like you add please. :-)  
I forgot to add copywrite and author notices to all of the new the files. 
Some extra additions to "todo" in my addition to the /Changelog
	in the "readline" function xsldebugger.c if a blank line was
enter use the last saved command line
	in xslShell in debugXSL.c keep track of whether the source or data
has been selected and select that "document" on startup of xslShell. At
the moment it defaults to always selecting the stylesheet source.
	in help_top function in help.c change to use a docs path selected
by configure instead of a environment variable
	in usage function in xsldebugger.c not all acceptable command line
arguments have been documented in particular the "--root" option specifies
the root to start debugging at. 
	it would be better if there was no need for libxsl_shell.la but I
could find no simple solution without it.

The code does need some work. I realize that I've used inconsistant
naming conventions for variables and functions. And there should be more
documentation in code. I have stated in the source files my home email
address k_isdale@tpg.com.au which is checked infrequently. So please use
this e-mail address to contact me.

Any how it works to the extent that you can do simple debugging
techniques on stylesheets. And proves my approach to debugging is
possible and reasonable. 



xsldebugger patch

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