Re: [xslt] ANN: TclXSLT 0.1alpha

On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 11:27:01AM +1000, Steve Ball wrote:
> TclXSLT v0.1alpha has been checked into the TclXML
> CVS repository on SourceForge.  It has not been released
> as a package yet.  The TEA setup is not complete (volunteers needed!).
> TclXSLT is a Tcl wrapper for the Gnome libxslt library.

  Ho ho, cool a wrapper for another language !

> An advantage of using this package is that the XSLT stylesheet
> is cached after it has been compiled.  This makes subsequent

  Hum, that's relatively classic, what's your cache flushing
algorithm ? Do you have a way to force a given precompiled 
stylesheet to be available ?

> A new feature of this package is that XSLT extensions can be
> implemented using Tcl.  At the moment this is limited to
> the implementation of extension functions, passing strings
> as arguments and returning a string value.  Future work will
> extend this to extension elements and allow handling of nodes 
> and nodesets.  This general-purpose mechanism allows extensions
> to be easily created, and registered/deregistered on-the-fly.

  Sound fun too. I didn't expected extensions to take off so fast.
Maybe XSLT in itself is too limited.

  Can you provide an URL so I can add a link in the contrib section ?
(actually I should add a Language wrapper section to the main page).



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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