Re: gtk+ translation domain split done

On 2004-01-19(Mon) 02:16:40 +0100, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> Hmm, I've looked at the translator documentation and what intltool-
> update does a bit more, and your patch won't help for GTK+'s 
> po-properties. The problem is that we explicitly don't want to have
> _() and N_() marked strings in po-properties, and we don't want to have
> P_() marked strings in po. So if you make intltool collect P_() and
> translators use intltool for both po and po-properties, we'll get the
> same strings in both directories, which is wrong. Intltool would have to
> be made clever enough to pick up the xgettext args from (and
> it should also pick up the GETTEXT_PACKAGE from there...)
> If intltool can't be made clever enough, then translators have to be
> clever enough to use xgettext directly for po-properties (shouldn't be
> too hard: 
>   xgettext --files-from=po-properties/ \
>            --output=po-properties/gtk20-properties.pot
> )
> Either way, making intltool collect P_() would be harmful, since it
> would interfere with the desire to *not* include P_() marked strings in
> po. As things stand, intltool has problems for po-properties, but works
> for po. Making it collect P_() would make it useless for both.

Ah, I see, then my proposed one-line patch isn't appropriate at all in
such case. Perhaps we should move to #131885 to continue discussion.


> Matthias

Abel Cheung
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