[xml-bindings]proposal: nodes as parameters

Good day!
I am using the libxslt wrappings more and more seriously, and I am running into problems with some limitations of the API. In some cases, I would like to contribute work, but first I would check that such work would be welcomed into the codebase.

My primary issue is with parameters to stylesheets. In the current implementation, (libxslt.c 1.25;L469) you check explicitly that all parameters passed from Python are strings. I am interested in actually passing nodes or nodesets between stylesheets through parameters. (Is this allowed by the C API at all? I did not check on that side yet.) Is this something that you would consider harmful or useful? (i.e. should I plan to work on this or on workarounds?)

Also, I saw that there is no convenient way for me, as of yet, to return an error from a Python function. This is actually marked as a TODO item in the code, I could give it some time if I am told nobody else is actively working on it. But I am new to C-Python interaction, so someone should check my code.


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