[xml-bindings]Minor bug in python bindings tree stuff

Hi there,

I hope this is the right forum to post this too.

The docSetRootElement() function in the python bindings is wrong (IMO) on two counts. Firstly, it should be a method of doc rather than node, and secondly it will raise an exception when the C function xmlDocSetRootElement() returns null which will happen under non-error conditions since it "Returns : the old root element if any was found" and this could well be null.

This makes it quite hard to create a document from scratch in python. A workaround goes something like this:

doc = libxml2.newDoc('1.0')
rootNode = doc.newDocNode(None, 'myrootnode', None)
# rootNode.docSetRootElement(doc)
libxml2mod.xmlDocSetRootElement(doc._o, rootNode._o)

All the best,
Pete (not on the list, i.e. please CC me on replies)

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