Re: Application launch detection

On 13 Nov, Matthias Clasen scribbled:
->  If I have read last weeks discussion correctly, the proposal
->  for app-launch feedback is to have an app-launcher hand a unique
->  value to the application (via an env var) which the application
->  then puts in a property on its first toplevel window before mapping it.
->  The app-launcher would select for SubstructureNotify
->  on the root (or virtual root) window, listen for MapNotify
->  events to find freshly mapped windows and look for the property
->  on them.
->  This sounds ok on first reading, but it has one problem:
->  if an app starts iconic (try xterm -iconic), the MapNotify won't
->  arrive until the user deiconifies the app. A much simpler and
->  better solution is to have the app-launcher monitor the
->  _NET_CLIENT_LIST property on the root window. New apps will
->  appear immediately here, even if they start iconic. Another
->  bonus is that the app-launcher dosn't get the loads of CreateNotify,
->  ConfigureNotify and whatnot, that 
->  SubstructureNotify would produce. 

that's possible - but this is a specific external app launch monitor
progarm issue - personally i'd put it right into the wm and have the wm
handle it since it's going to either map or iconify the window and know
about it already - and luckily for you the bi-product is the wm adding
it to the client list :)

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    raster rasterman com     raster valinux com
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