Re: layer and strut hints are unnecessary

On 28 Oct, Dominik Vogt scribbled:


->  Epilogue:
->    I have tried hard to stay objective in my analysis above.
->    But I sincerely hope you regognize that I am not simply
->    ranting about this but that I am genuinely concerned
->    about the usability issue behind this.  Please, I'd
->    appreciate if (for the first time on this list) someone
->    would take this seriously.  Over that last few months
->    I have got lots of replies that sound like "you are
->    imagining things", "you can't stop progress" or
->    "there is no usability issue with 'stay on top'".  That's
->    about like saying that the user interface of Windows is
->    the best one possible without reviewing the alternatives.

solution.. remember WM's still can chose to IGNORE hints... I knwo that
eventually I will make sure users have the ability to have an op
tion "damnit i dont CARE if the gnome or kde panel ask to be always
ontop - put them down at the bottom and keep it there cause I say so" -
the general idea is - the WM still have final veto over everything that
happens - so adding options for the user to state his/her wishes and to
veto what they may percieve as a "nasty app" will always be on the
cards.. I know it will be on mine.

Also - your'e right. I read most of what you said and its pretty muc
there - but remember.. everuone bandiea about this "intuitive" and
"easy" and stuff.. they are buzzwords - they mean nothing.. what is
intuitive to me might not be fore you - ro the guy next to you
- so NEVER assume what anyone here thinks is intuitive actually is. I
urge everyone to provide lots of "opt out" clauses for their users - the
user is boss - never try and second guess them and enforce that - the
default setup might be what you may think is good - and thats fine.. but
supply opt-out clauses for the user.

as for "stay on top" - there's layers for that... just ask to be in
alayer higher up- the WM can provide a mechanism to forcibly move a
widnow to another layer - E does that already, so the user can impose
policy if they like... so i dont see a use for "stay on top" -
re-cycle the layers.

ok - back to lurking... got code to write :)

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)

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