Re: Motif Hints [was: Re: Fwd: Draft 1]

>*naked windows: All the stuff that currently is mostly override_redirect:
>taskbars, panels, pagers etc. Making them naked windows instead makes it
>possible to access (and use them) with they keyboard, since the window
>manager's focus handling will then apply to them as well.

This stuff isn't override_reddirect in Gnome - it uses MWM hints to tell the
WM not to decorate the window.

>* tool windows: Microsoft calls it: "A window intented to be used as a floating
>toolbar [....] it has a titlebar that is shorter than a normal titlebar and the
>title is drawn using a smaller font. [...]"
>*tiny ( a stupid name, I admit): similar to naked, but the WM provides a small
>visual frame around it so that the window can be easily resized / move /
>KDE currently uses "tiny" for floating toolbars as well (since we provide a
>toolbar handle for moving ). 

GTK has a similar handle (used for tear-off menus), so unless you want to
resize a toolbar (unlikely because it's probably full of widgets), you can
use "naked" and supply a handle. If you also want a border, you can specify
that with MWM hints.

Michael Rogers

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