Re: MDI on X11

> W.r.t. MDI, let's refocus on what the protocol would need to have in it
> to allow an application to provide enough information to let a WM do an
> MDI-like thing to satisfy those who want the tighter grouping of
> document windows that MDI affords.  (As I wrote previously, I think it's 
> the wrong level of abstraction to have an application manage the MDI
> interface and just have the WM decorate the windows).

I think you missunderstood me. I do _not_ want the application to manage any
MDI interface, that's the whole point why I am discussing this issue here. In
fact I want the WM to manage it. All the application has to do is telling the
WM that this child window of it is an MDI workspace. The WM then simply does
what it usually does with the root window: it manages all the children.

I'm quite certain that several KDE applications will start using MDI once it is
in Qt. If the application can't find a window manager that supports the
protocol, it is forced to do some window management itself, with bascially a
standard KDE look and feel. Personally I don't mind if KDE applications look
inconsistant with other WMs, so there's no real need for me to push the
protocol through if you don't want to ;)


> Greg
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