Re: 1.9d

> > Is there any reason NET_WM_PING doesn't have an underscore before its name
> > like everything else?
> I copied that from what Matthias wrote, assuming that he knew something
> that I didn't about the naming of ATOMs to be used in WM_PROTOCOLs.  I
> have just rechecked the ICCCM, which says that the X Consortium will
> maintain a registry of such protocols, but I assume that if we haven't
> notified the X Consortium of this protocol, it should have a leading
> underscore?

Yes, it should have the underscore. I was simply assuming NET is always _NET in
the actual atom names. It's just tiresome to write _NET all the time 

     ...avoiding underscores at the begininng of variable names as well ;-) 

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