[Utopia] gnome-mount 0.4 is out


I've release gnome-mount 0.4, it's available here


The grand plan with gnome-mount is to get the appropriate GNOME
software (such as gnome-volume-manager and gnome-vfs) to use this
instead of invoking mount(1)/umount(1)/eject(1) / invoking methods on
HAL directly.

Included in gnome-mount is also gnome-umount and gnome-eject. All
programs utilize the methods on HAL and as such run unprivileged. The
rationale for gnome-mount is to have a centralized place (in gconf)
where settings (e.g. mount options, mount location) are
maintained. Future plans include UI for editing settings.

Changes from 0.3

 - Provide gnome-mount pkg-config file
 - Don't block if putting up dialogs
 - Error dialogs
 - Allow pseudonyms for specifying device (Artem Kachitchkine)
 - Can now mount/unmount/eject drives that HAL cannot poll
 - Support for passworded media with gnome-keyring integration
 - Experimental Nautilus extension (disabled by default)
 - Resolve symlinks for --device
 - Works when X is not available (includes password prompt)
 - Lots of general clean ups

Requirements for gnome-mount 0.4

 - GTK+          >= 2.8
 - gnome-keyring >= 0.4
 - libgnomeui    >= 2.2
 - HAL           >= 0.5.7
 - DBUS          >= 0.60  (with glib bindings)


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