[Utopia] Is this list ok to debug a non automatically mounted USB memkey ?

Dear friends,
I am running a Debian "unstable" system with Gnome 2.8 dekstop on a kernel.

The automount of USB memory keys does not happen.

Tried debugging this on debian-user but the question is too specific.

If my question is not appropriate please redirect me to other mailing lists.


Problem /dev/usbkey not mounted automatically (manual mount is OK)

ii  udev           0.054-3
ii  hotplug        0.0.20040329-2
ii  dbus-1         0.23.2-3
ii  hal            0.4.7-3
ii  gnome-volume-m 1.2.0-1
ii  pmount         0.7.1-1

in /etc/fstab

/dev/usbkey1 /media/usbkey vfat rw,user,gid=1000,uid=1000,noauto 0 0

/dev/usbkey1 comes from my local udev rule:
BUS="usb", SYSFS{manufacturer}="IBM", SYSFS{serial}="0206430D0A001CBC",SYMLINK="usbkey%n", GROUP="disk", MODE="0660"

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