[Utopia] Re: Next stop Utopia, full steam ahead?

<quote who="Robert Love">

> > (Note that you might not need to be API/ABI stable between GNOME
> > releases, because our use of your modules should not be API/ABI exposed
> > -> is that right?)
> No, actually I would want GNOME modules to start using the Utopia stack.
> So that means that libraries, apps, etc. are going to integrate with HAL.
> This is where the magic comes in.

Sorry; what I meant was that the Platform libraries using the Utopia stack
must not expose API/ABI vulnerabilities. I think that's pretty much taken
for granted these days (ugh, esound/audiofile, ugh), but wanted to make sure
it was doable/sane/mentioned.

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway                    http://2004.guadec.org/
       "So I'll have to talk about what I know instead. If you are so
     inclined, you may infer that I am totally oblivious to anything I
                   don't talk about today." - Larry Wall

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