[Utopia] Praise from a Utopia user


I've been using HAL, DBUS, and GVM for several months now (since mid April). (All on FC2 ). I have to say it all works great and the potential is even better. It is all very amazing -- and appreciated . Currently running semi recent versions of most items (HAL 2.93 from cvs of 12 July 2004 (Fedora's Rawhide)) DBUS 0.21 also from Rawhide and GVM 0.9.5 (built from a hack of John Palmieri's .spec file from his 0.9.2.src.rpm and CVS) and patched gnome-vfs2 (also from j5utopia repository). Thanks to Mr. Palmieri making all those RPMs and SRPMs available! Actually building GVM from source wasn't quite as hard as I thought it would be. It only took me about an hour to update the spec and learn the (absolute) basics of the auto* utilities for the make environment and then tar it back up for the rpmbuild -ba to use. ;-) The gnome-vfs2 is probably the most out-of-date, but what I have works pretty nicely. It was fun watching new things come together, plus figuring out the weird stuff (e.g. udev for /dev changes when I went to udev 0.29) Looking forward to the new stuff you've been doing over the last couple of weeks.

Anyway, the bottom line is this -- I am totally impressed -- It makes Linux "usable" on the desktop -- because now the hardware I plug in just works. You are doing great things. Thank you!

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