Re: [Utopia] gnome-vfs HAL patch, take 3

On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 10:26, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> >         Do the same for MP3 players when GNOME VFS backends for these
> > emerge.
> Are we totally sure we want to do this? Are these devices really generic
> filesystems exposable in gnome-vfs? Can you save your word document on
> the camera? Does it make sense?
> I think its better to detect devices when plugged in, and perhaps launch
> the right app, or maybe just show the device as plugged in somewhere
> (notification area?). And then the application that handles cameras
> should of course use hal and automatically do the right thing wrt its
> user interface when the camera is plugged in. 

This may be true for cameras, but I've recently got a iPod and I will
want to save files onto it.  If I export my Contacts into
/media/ipod/Contacts I can view them on the iPod, ditto for text files
in ../Notes.

Maybe this code should special-case firewire disks which are also
devices and handle them differently -- i.e. cameras are not shown while
iPods are.

Of course, I've not tried this yet as last time I plugged the iPod into
linux I crashed the kernel, so I may be totally wrong.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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