Re: [Utopia] is there a security spec that is above MIME etc

On Sat, 2004-08-28 at 20:22, Jerry Haltom wrote:
> It sounds to me like all of these are unrelated to MIME and more about
> general system configuration.
> > MIME types. I mean like the group users is not allowed to play mp3
> > files and is prohibited to write on a cdrw but is allowed to read it
> > (this would need a media spec).
> Then don't install MP3 software.
> > Interresting would also be (for the utopia project) to be able to not
> > allow certain groups to mount usb sticks (usb sticks form a easy way
> > to save secret info, could be a security risk for some companies)
> These are handled through fstab, are they not? Just like any unix mount,
> you can disable this or limit it to a specific group.
yes and fstab-sync from hald edits fstab when a new device is pluged in.
So there should be some security options added to fstab-sync that
certain devices can only be mounted ro for security reasons. Maybe it is
asked to mutch to put the ro option depending on the user group :)

and nm the spec thing then :)
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